More and more people are discovering Wing Chun Do here in Michigan. Many have previous martial arts experience and may have trained in their younger days or stopped because of work, family, economics or a lack of time. But when they are ready to come back to train again in the martial arts, they want more than what they had before. They are looking for an art that will give them real self defense.
Many have already learned and garnered the benefits of martial arts training such as discipline, self-confidence, physical fitness, focus, and a sense of the body and mind connection. But now they are looking for more. And although each art has a semblance of self-defense, there seems to be something missing, the confidence in that self-defense.
Wing Chun Do is the next step in a student's evolution. It will help to explain, clarify, and apply self defense is the most scientific terms. Instructor - Sibok Rocco Ambrose, is a great teacher. He is highly analytical, giving logical and detailed explanations, removing any doubt that Wing Chun Do works. He can explain all the "what ifs" away.
For so many that discover Wing Chun Do, the confidence in the self-defense, the thing they have been searching for, has finally been found.